"Have I Told You About the Time My Wife and I Camped In East St. Louis?..."

Friday, August 13, 2010
Villa Lante and Bomarzo:
Mercoledi, Aprile 21, 3.25 miles

Villa Lante

The bus waiting to take us to Villa Lante in Bagnaia. The Great Moretti Bus Company. Let me tell you, these bus drivers can maneuver with the best of them, weaving through narrow medieval streets, around winding country hill roads, and parallel parking. Yes, I said parallel parking, they can parallel park these buses like none other.

Entry to Villa Lante

Fontana Del Pegaso

a fly on some shrubbery

Look at that drainage running right along the bottom step.

Looking down at the Quadrato and the Fountain of the Moors

some blooming Azaleas

Catena D'Acqua/Cordonata Del Gambero

Catena D'Acqua/Cordonata Del Gambero looking out towards the town of Bagnaia

Laura and I with Professor Tony (the only LA's of our group) at the Fontana Del Diluvio

Laura and I tree-huggin'

in between some shrubs; I would love to play hide and seek in these shrubberies

Fountain of the Moors

I spy a black cat...

railroad across the bridge

That's a tight fit! Running right next to our bus.


After Villa Lante we went to Bomarzo: the Park of Monsters. Here we ate lunch in a very school- cefeteria-like setting. I had a panini and some Wacko's chips! While we're all eating it was pretty quiet, unusually quiet for our group. So Tony asked if any of us had any stories to tell. Someone then asked Tony if he had any stories we should know about. His response, "Have I told you about the time my wife and I camped in East St. Louis?...". (Our collective reply was "WHAT!?") Then he proceeded to tell us a story involving a drive through liquor store and camping in East St. Louis.... I'm not sure any of us could stop laughing for a good five minutes!

Here is the cat that roamed around the park enjoying all the attention that he gets from all the visitors.

a nice entry experience through the row of trees

gate to the main area of the 'monster' park

The struggle between Giants; with an inscription that reads " if Rhodes is proud of its Colossus, I also can take great pride in my wood, and no one will ever do better than I did". This park dates back to 1552 (which is absolutely mind boggling to me!).

A close up, he seems to have taped his broken fingers together. I hope it helps.


Turtle, Woman, Whale

The Teatre


The Ogre

The Leaning House, a very interesting experience walking inside

The Temple Prince Orsini dedicated to his wife when she died.

Caught Tony sketching the Ogre.

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